The Lone Star Police Department has a long and proud tradition of service to the residents, businesses, and visitors of Lone Star. The men and women who make up the Lone Star Police Department are dedicated to their profession and hold themselves to the highest ethical standards. We have earned the trust and support of our community and city leaders. We do not take that trust and support for granted and understand it must be earned and renewed daily. We recruit the very best and brightest available. The Lone Star Police Department is richly diverse, which we believe helps build partnerships, relationships and trust with our community, in the true spirit of Community Policing. Our community outreach is a cornerstone of our success. Every organization must continually evaluate the service it provides and have clear, measurable, and attainable goals. Our success is based on five goals that we call "Measures of Effectiveness." Those measures include the rapid response to calls for service, reducing and preventing crime, solving crime, efficient and effective traffic and parking programs, and the morale of our members. The framework in which we strive to accomplish our goals is based on being proactive, professional, proud, passionate, and working in partnership with the community. Proactive means that we do not wait for crime to occur; we look to prevent crime before it happens with every tool available to us. The men and women of our organization maintain a level of professionalism worthy of the trust bestowed upon us. We are a very proud organization and that pride extends to the city we serve and the members of all departments within the city. I believe that our profession is a calling, and that calling does not exist without a true passion for the oath we take. I consider myself extremely fortunate to be a member of the Lone Star Police Department. I would like to thank all of the past and present members of this department whose dedication, ability, and diligence have formed the reputation that our department enjoys today. I would also like to challenge future members to commit to the values and culture of this great organization. Our chosen profession can be challenging, but I firmly believe that NOBODY DOES IT BETTER than the members of the Lone Star Police Department.
If you have a complaint or a compliment regarding the Lone Star Police Department, you can contact me at 903-656-2491 or
Chief of Police
Interested In Riding With An Officer?
Read the Policy Below and Submit a Ride Along Waiver
Mission Statement:
As members of the Lone Star Police Department, our mission is to provide a professional community-oriented police service. We are committed to creating and maintaining an active community partnership and assisting citizens in identifying and solving problems to improve the quality of life in our neighborhoods. We are dedicated to protecting life, and property, and maintaining order while assuring fair and equal treatment to everyone.
We believe in the equitable, fair, and impartial application of the laws and ordinances without regard to race, color, creed, sex, or station in life, in treating all individuals with tolerance, compassion, and dignity we would expect if found in a similar situation.